A few weeks after China announced its plan to loosen up its control over the Internet, it’s now back to its original mindset.
According to a news article, it has launched “Operation For Tomorrow,” a crackdown aimed against “unhealthy†and “overly violent†online games that corrupt the juvenile minds.
Hoping control juvenile crimes and other illegal activities, Chinese authorities will raid Internet cafes and computer markets as well as censor Websites providing unregistered downloadable playing platforms or services.
According to Xinhua News Agency, the primary targets of Tomorrow are the out-of-school youths, runaways and children of prisoners.
Authorities believe that some unlicensed Internet cafes or “black Web bars†are responsible for promoting juvenile crimes and Internet addiction because many Chinese children will do anything just to get money to play these games.
Originally posted on February 12, 2008 @ 10:09 am
Tommoody says
Your blog is really excellent. I loved it and the business of the online games industry is a complex one, requiring the input and integration of many variables — people, business conditions, product goals, and more — to create, implement, and distribute a successful online game. :)