The next time you visit social network sites don’t be surprised if middle-aged men and women checked out your personal profile. In fact, you should be accommodating for many of them are quite well off.
This is perhaps the most surprising finding of a survey conducted by Unity Marketing on how 1,074 luxury consumers are using the Internet. In the last 3 months, more than 40 percent of luxury consumers have visited social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube.
When buying home luxury products, more than half of luxury consumers relied on the Internet for their purchases. In terms of luxury fashion, fashion accessories, cosmetics, jewelry and watches, about 46% depended on the Internet.
By definition, luxury consumers have average income of $150,200 and age of 43.6 years. The top 5 sites they frequently visit are:
- Amazon
- eBay
- and (tie)
“When asked what features were most important for a luxury shopping site to offer these luxury consumers, they were adamant about three features in depth product information and specifications, detailed product pictures and a flexible return policy. They were far less concerned with company or brand news, lifestyle content or a store locator,” says Pam Danziger, president of Unity Marketing.
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Originally posted on December 3, 2007 @ 1:30 pm